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More Motivated Workforce

Purposeful business consulting is about aligning a company’s business strategy, operations and culture with its values, purpose and its role in society. It helps companies to create a more engaged and motivated workforce, build stronger relationships with customers, shareholders and other stakeholders, and ultimately increase sales and revenue while being more sustainable and resilient. We hope that this blog will be a valuable resource for those looking to understand more about purposeful business consulting and how it can help companies drive positive impact in their communities and the world.

Employee falling and being caught by colleagues to illustrate support

Building Resilient Workplaces by Empowering & Supporting Survivors of Trauma

Executives are being tasked with not only driving business growth but also providing safe and supportive environments for employees facing mental health challenges and trauma. Read more as Darina Huang discusses what leaders can do to show up and deliver a psychologically safe space for their teams.

Image of hands holding healthy soil from composting

A Future That Is Not Only Good – But Green

They say “you are what you eat”... but what happens to what you don’t eat? Find out as Asjia Chapin explores how hospitality professionals and business leaders alike can help turn food waste into better for business and the environment.

Why Food Education Should Be on the Menu in U.S. Schools

Incorporating lessons about food and agriculture as it relates to personal nutrition, social constructs, equality and connection, and the environment is imperative as we build the future leaders of our globalized society. See how national non-profit Pilot Light is working to educate our food change-makers of tomorrow.

A Brand Builder’s Anti-Greenwashing Guide

Greenwashing should never be the intention, but sometimes even well-intentioned Brand Builders and Marketing Teams can fall into this trap. Check out my Top 5 tips that will save you and your teams from greenwashing and help you be proactive with communicating your brand's impact in an honest way.

Shifting Dynamics in the Private Sector: A Bigger Reason For Business

There is an evolution underway in the private sector - one that will require CEOs and executives to shift the way they operate and how they prioritize resources. In this article, we explore the shifting dynamics fueling the movement toward Conscious Capitalism.

Purpose compass

Designing a Purpose Worth Activating

Looking to design a purpose worth activating? Check out these Do's and Donts to get the most value out of your brand's north star.

Headshot of Shilpa Gadhok

The Road To SEE(ing) GOOD

Founder & CEO, Shilpa Gadhok, shares her story on why she started SEE GOOD STRATEGY GROUP, a brand strategy & social impact consulting firm, and what she sees as the future of business.

Ready to create
powerful value from
positive impact?

Powering Business.
Empowering Change.
Powering Business.
Empowering Change.